New Group Board announced | News

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    The latest news and updates from Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust.

New Group Board announced

This image is a collage featuring healthcare workers engaged in various tasks, set against a bright blue background with abstract design elements, including rectangles and dotted patterns. The workers represent diverse roles, genders, and ethnicities, wearing uniforms and ID lanyards. Some are smiling, interacting with others, or focused on tasks like patient care. T

From 1 April 2025, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust and Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust are coming together as a specialist community health and care group.

Members of the new Group Board are now confirmed.

  • Lynda Thomas CBE - Chair
  • Matthew Winn - Chief Executive Officer
  • Dr Caroline Kavanagh - Chief Medical Officer
  • Kate Howard - Chief Nurse and AHP Officer
  • Anita Pisani - Chief People Officer and Deputy Chief Executive
  • Laura Clear - Director of Strategy and Transformation
  • Rachel Hawkins - Director of Corporate Affairs

We are pleased to announce that the Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) for the Group Board have also been appointed as follows:

  • Lynda Thomas CBE – Group Chair
  • Graham Nice - Vice Chair NCH&C
  • John Kennedy
  • Njoki Yaxley
  • David Crawford
  • Steve Crowe
  • Anna Gill OBE - Vice Chair CCS
  • Catherine Dugmore

Lynda Thomas, Chair of the new Group Board, said: “I am delighted to announce our new Group Board members. Together they bring tremendous experience and knowledge of our communities and a passion for improving community health and care across our region.

“I am confident that together we can do even more to improve care and to support our communities and our staff, whilst also making our services stronger and more resilient.”

The new Board members will formally start their roles on 1 April 2025, and we will hold our first group Board meeting in April 2025.

In addition to the roles above, the new group is interviewing for a Chief Information Officer this month and will be advertising for a Chief Finance and Resources Officer in the new year.

New team brings significant experience from both trusts

Matthew Winn and Dr Caroline Kavanagh already work in a joint capacity across the two trusts. Lynda Thomas and Laura Clear currently work for Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust, and Anita Pisani, Kate Howard and Rachel Hawkins currently work for Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust.

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We’ve put together some guidelines which we ask the media to follow when taking photographs or filming at our trust:

  • To help us with your request, please give us as much notice as possible.
  • In order to protect our patients and staff, photography and filming is not allowed in some areas of the trust. Proper consent must be obtained before filming or photographing patients and/or staff.
  • We don’t usually approve requests to film or photograph general shots of our premises and/or our staff or ‘pieces to camera’ that don’t directly relate to the work of NCH&C.
  • We ask all media professionals on site to be accompanied by a member of our staff at all times.
  • Please follow infection control procedures including using hand gel on entering and leaving clinical areas.

Anyone who is found filming or taking photographs at the hospital without permission will be asked to leave immediately, and footage and photographs may be confiscated.

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