1. Home

  2. Our Services

    1. Adult Services
      1. Adult Epilepsy Specialist Nurse Team
      2. Adult respite care
      3. Amputee Rehabilitation Service
      4. Autism Service Norfolk
      5. Biomechanics - Podiatry
      6. Cardiac rehabilitation
      7. Care at Home Team
      8. Community Access Team
      9. Community Learning Disabilities Team
      10. Community Neurology Service
      11. Community Virtual Ward
        1. Virtual Ward referral information for GPs
      12. Continence Service
      13. Dermatology - Community Nurses
      14. Diabetes Community Service
      15. Dietetics Service
        1. General Community
          1. Coeliac Disease
          2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
          3. Diabetes
          4. Healthy eating
          5. Norfolk & Waveney Malnutrition Pathway
          6. Vitamins and minerals
        2. Home Enteral Feeding
        3. Learning Disabilities
      16. Health Improvement Practitioners
      17. Dysphagia (swallowing difficulties)
      18. Environmental Control Service for Norfolk
      19. Intravenous (IV) Treatment Team - Community
      20. Leg Ulcer Clinic
      21. Lymphoedema Service
      22. Heart Failure
      23. MSK services
      24. Integrated Virtual Ward
      25. Neurological Rehabilitation Outpatient Service (Specialist)
      26. Orthopaedic Clinical Triage Assessment and Treatment Service
      27. Out of Hours team
      28. Palliative Care (Specialist) Community Service
      29. Palliative Care (Specialist) Day Unit
      30. Palliative Care (Specialist) Inpatient Service
      31. Phlebotomy (blood tests)
      32. Podiatry - Community
      33. Post-Covid Service
      34. Psychological Service for Specialist Palliative Care
      35. Pulmonary Rehabilitation
      36. Rapid Assessment Team
      37. Respiratory & Oxygen Team (West)
      38. Speech and Language Therapy - Adult (Community)
      39. Stroke Rehabilitation Service
    2. Children's Services
      1. ADHD Nursing Service
      2. Children's Continence Service
      3. Children's Occupational Therapy
      4. Children's Epilepsy Nursing Service
      5. Children's Short Breaks - Home Nursing Team
      6. Key Worker Service
      7. Looked After Children (LAC) And Young Person Health Service
      8. Neurodevelopmental Service (NDS)
        1. NDS Transformation Project
        2. 6 years plus Assessment Team
        3. Helpful services and resources
        4. Location and travel information
        5. Pre 6 years Assessment Team
      9. Community Paediatrics
      10. Children’s Short Breaks Residential Service (Squirrels)
      11. Starfish LD CAMHS and Starfish+
      12. Tuberculosis Adult and Children's Service
  3. About Us

    1. Annual Report & Quality Account
    2. Board of Directors
      1. Board papers and meetings
    3. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
      1. We Care
      2. We Care Events
      3. We Care Staff Networks
      4. Somewhere We All Belong
    4. Our Finances
      1. Facility Time Publication
    5. Our Strategy
    6. Patient Experience
    7. Research and Development
    8. Staff Awards 2025
    9. Sustainability
  4. News

  5. Join Our Team

    1. Current Vacancies
    2. Apprenticeships
    3. Temporary Worker Service
    4. Volunteering
    5. Work Experience
  6. Charitable Fund

    1. What we do
      1. Where your money goes
    2. Support us
      1. Make a donation
      2. Volunteer for us
      3. Donate in memory
      4. Leave a legacy
      5. Business support
      6. Fundraise for us
    3. Charity News & Events
      1. Charity Events
      2. Charity News
    4. Contact us
    5. Donate
  7. Contact us

    1. Access to Information
      1. Accessibility Statement
      2. FOI disclosure log
      3. Privacy Impact Assessments
      4. Publication Scheme
      5. Register of Interests
      6. Privacy Notice
      7. Shared Care Record
    2. Compliments and Complaints
      1. Complaints form
      2. Compliments form
    3. General Enquiries
    4. Our Locations
    5. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
      1. PALS enquiry form
    6. Visiting