• Two nurses wearing aprons and gloves are supporting a patient on a walking frame

    Patient experience

    We put our patients' voice at the heart of what we do

The quality of our services and the experience of our patients is what counts the most. What our patients tell us about our services helps us to get even better, and we use their all-important feedback to understand what we're really doing well, and where we really need to raise our standards even higher.

That's why we use a range of methods of gathering patient and carer feedback, including the Friends and Family Test, Patient Opinion, patient and carer surveys, focus groups and Patient Stories.

To help meet our vision NCH&C has developed a Patient and Carer Experience and Involvement Strategy 2022-25, which sets out key goals and how we intend to improve patient experience and involvement. It builds on previous, existing and new initiatives and is delivered and monitored through an annual Implementation Plan. We ensure that when listening to and acting upon feedback we use our core values of Community, Compassion and Creativity to improve care.

Patient, Carer & Partner Advisory Group 

Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust (NCH&C) is proud to launch its new Patient, Carers, and Partners Advisory Group (PAG) to ensure the interests of our patients are heard on the issues that matter most to them.

The aim of the group is to improve patient experience at NCH&C by giving our patients and carers a forum to share their voice so that we can learn from their lived experiences. Incorporating the feedback of our patients, service users, and carers is a vital part of our Patient & Carer Experience and Involvement Strategy. 

All NCH&C patients, carers, and family members are welcome to attend and will be given the opportunity to share their views. 

Next meeting:


If you would like to attend, please email patientexperience@nchc.nhs.uk to RSVP. 

Read our press release to find out more about the Patient Advisory Group.

Contact the Patient Experience Team


NHS Friends and Family Test

How likely are you to recommend our service to friends and family if they needed similar care of treatment? Hearing your views helps our staff understand what they are doing well, and where improvements can be made.

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a feedback tool that aims to provide an opportunity for people who use NHS services to provide feedback on their experience.

The FFT question asks if people would recommend the services they have used and offers a range of responses. When combined with follow up questions, it provides a mechanism to highlight both good and poor patient experience.

The free text comments can be a rich source of information providing staff with a greater depth of understanding about the experience of their patients. The results are available much more quickly than traditional survey methods, which enables service providers to take swift action, where required.

Ask a member of staff for a Friends & Family questionnaire and post back in a freepost envelope or in a suggestion box.

Complete the Friends and Family Test

Adult services

Children's services

Your story

Click on the icon below to tell us about your experience of using our services to help our staff understand what they are doing well, and where improvements can be made (opens new website).

Button that links to the Patient Opinion website

Our patients' voice

Every month our Board is directly connecting with the services it provides by hearing about a patient's experience at the start of our Board meeting, when a patient or carer is supported by the Patient Experience and Involvement team to share their experiences of their care from NCH&C and how this connects with other services they may have experienced.