• Patient advice and liaison service (PALS)

    If you need information, support or advice about using our services, our confidential Patient Advice and Liaison Service is here to help.

This is Patient Advice and Liaison Service for Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust.

To ensure your enquiry is dealt with as quickly as possible, please check that the service you are contacting us about is run by this NHS trust.

If you require the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust PALS, please click here

For the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust PALS, please click here.

Please be aware that this service does not offer medical advice. If you require urgent medical help, please use NHS 111 online (111.nhs.uk) or call 111. In an emergency, please call 999.

PALS is here to:

  • help you find the information you need
  • provide advice and support for patients, families and carers
  • listen to your concerns or suggestions
  • resolve problems and concerns where possible
  • signpost to other organisations

At NCH&C, the service has helped people with various enquiries ranging from how to change an appointment to transport issues and a vast spectrum in between. 

PALS want to make a difference to the patient experience, and it is important if you have an issue, concern or compliment to let PALS know so they can feed back the information to inform service development. 

Contact PALS

Patient Advice and Liaison Team
Woodlands House
Norwich Community Hospital
Bowthorpe Road

9.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday

FREEPHONE: 0800 088 4449 

Email: pals@nchc.nhs.uk

Contact us by completing a PALS enquiry form

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