What we offer
Families of disabled children and young people often need to see a whole range of different health and care professionals at different stages of the child’s life.
The key worker service supports the named Key Worker and aids effective multiagency working. This means that the professionals in the different organisations and agencies work together, in partnership with parents/carers, to ensure the child’s needs are met, and that families as a whole have the services and support they need.
A Key Worker is chosen in consultation with the parent and can be…
A health or care professional already working with the family
A parent / a carer or someone close to the family
Who it's for
The Norfolk Key Worker Service is offered to disabled children and young people, from birth to age 18 (19 if in a complex needs school), who:
Are registered with a GP within greater Norfolk
Have complex health needs
These children/young people have severe health conditions requiring on going health intervention and need support to carry out activities of daily living
and/or have a high level of need
These children/young people have a severe learning and/or physical disability and need support to carry out activities of daily living
Already see at least three specialist health or care professionals from at least two different agencies These professionals may include a therapist, social worker or a home visitor from organisations such as Norfolk County Council Children’s Services, NHS children’s services or voluntary services.
Parents can make referrals by contacting Sky Smith (contact details below).
Referrals should be made on the NCHC Referral Form and sent to our Children’s Single Point of Referral team, this is a single point of entry to all of NCHC’s children’s services.
Key Worker Service,Fledglings,Norwich Community Hospital,Bowthorpe Road Norwich, NR2 3TU
Email: sky.smith@nchc.nhs.uk
Telephone: 01603 508958 or call Sky directly during their working days which are Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays on 07586 731817.
Key Worker Service - A short guide for professionals
Key Worker Service - A short guide for families with disabled/young people
Key Worker Service - A guide to multiagency meetings
Help us improve our services for children and young people
We’re asking young people to talk about what it’s like to use our services and share ideas.
Take a look at our leaflet for more information: Young Voices Together leaflet