• Short Breaks Residential Service (Squirrels)

    Children’s Short Breaks Residential Service (Squirrels)

    A four-bedded unit in Aylsham providing residential short breaks to children with complex health needs within a homely environment.

We operate a four bedded unit in Aylsham which provides residential short breaks to children with complex health needs within a homely environment. Short Breaks care packages are delivered according to needs and vary with a maximum of five nights per month. This is agreed at placement meetings and reviewed every six months.

Squirrels unitAt Squirrels, we cook all our own food and will ensure that your child’s specific dietary and nutritional needs are met during their stay. We will involve your child in all daily life and leisure experiences during their stay. Children can still attend school whilst staying for short breaks as there are transport links from most schools within the catchment area. This ensures that the children do not miss out on their education.

At weekends and school holidays they are able to participate in a variety of activities e.g. trips out, use of sensory room, enclosed garden and play room. We have waking night staff and a qualified nurse on duty for each shift. A named nurse will work closely with you and other professionals involved in the care of your child in order to devise and maintain care plans that specifically meet your child’s needs.  We strive to provide a safe and comfortable place for your child to be whilst away from home and our primary aim is to safeguard and promote their welfare.


Who it’s for

Ages 5 - 18 years.



Referral via Health professionals and Social Workers.



Residential Short Breaks - Squirrels
5 Mill Close, Aylsham, Norfolk, NR11 6LZ

Tel: 01263 734938

Opening Hours: Wednesday - Monday 24 hours over a 5 day week. Currently the unit closes for two nights per week, closing at lunchtime on Mondays and re-opening at lunchtime on Wednesdays. There is an answerphone on at all times.


Help us improve our services for children and young people

We’re asking young people to talk about what it’s like to use our services and share ideas.

Take a look at our leaflet for more information: Young Voices Together leaflet