Just One Norfolk – ND Digital Library

Digital resource to support families who are looking for information and support around their child or young person’s neurodevelopmental needs. 

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National Autistic Society (NAS)

This website has a range of great resources and up-to-date information about Autism. There are many practical ideas and guidance on everyday tasks which can be challenging to young people with or without a diagnosis of Autism, such as toileting, sensory differences, and communication.

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Norfolk Autism Directory

A ‘one-stop shop’ for Autism services in Norfolk, managed by the Norfolk Autism Partnership Board.

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Family Action

The Family Action ASD/ADHD Support service offers support to parents of children and young people waiting for an assessment by the Neurodevelopment Service in Norfolk. We also offer some support to parents of children who have been diagnosed with ASD or ADHD. Parents are invited to attend workshops, support groups, courses and individual support and advice in matters relating to their child's needs.

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Positive Behaviour Strategies (PBS)

Positive Behaviour Strategies (PBS) is a programme for families of children with additional needs. It was developed originally to give group support to families of children who had been referred for assessment by a specialist team. This course will help you think about the messages your child is trying to communicate to you and offers some practical skills and strategies to promote your child’s development and wellbeing.

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ASD Helping Hands

ASD Helping Hands is the biggest charity supporting those with Autism within Norfolk. Services include a Family support service, offering support on an individual basis to parents/carers, children and adults. Support groups provide ongoing support to those in need, as well as Residential Holidays and Activity Days. ASD Helping Hands do not insist on a diagnosis, a certain age bracket or a specific location and aim to be fully inclusive of all those who require our support.

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Free Short Online Courses

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What Happens After My Child Gets an Autism Diagnosis?

If your child has been diagnosed with Autism, it may feel a little daunting initially. It's important for you to remember that you are not alone – there are resources, support networks, and professionals available to help you navigate this journey with you child. Action for Children have outlined some helpful resources to support parents and caregivers following a new diagnosis.

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Neurodiversity Book

An overview of helpful information written for parents/carers to support your neurodiverse child/young person.

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