National Autistic Society - Communication tips
Quick tips that may help you to communicate more effectively with an autistic person; whether they’re your child, pupil, colleague, or friend.
National Autistic Society - Social stories
Social stories are short descriptions of a particular situation, event or activity, which include specific information about what to expect in that situation and why. They provide clear structure and can help with sequencing and executive functioning (planning and organising).
Child Development Institute
Children with ADHD may have differences in how they process verbal information. This article gives some examples of communication strategies that may support social communication and listening.
National Autistic Society - Understanding and developmental communication
Information around how autistic children may understand and develop communication with supporting strategies, including augmentative and alternative communication.
Cambridgeshire Community Services (CCS) Speech and Language Therapy Service
CCS Speech and Language Therapists support children with speech, language and communication needs, to help them to communicate better. They also work with children who have eating and swallowing problems.
Visual Supports
Cambridgeshire Community Services offers advice on using visual aids. Visual aids can be used to help children understand spoken language as they provide extra visual clues. Many children will find that having visual supports available makes it easier for them to process what is happening or what is being said.